NCHS Science Pathway


Students examine the organization of the universe by beginning with the fundamental laws that give order, then continue with the ways these laws affect the Earth and the organization of life, and conclude with how life responds to these laws. 

Grade 9
1 credit


Students will examine deeper concepts in various areas of science including Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Earth Science. 

PREREQUISITE: Integrated Science I
Grade 10
1 credit


Students will examine deeper concepts in various areas of science including Geology, Space Science, Meteorology and Earth Science. 

PREREQUISITE: Integrated Science II
Grade 11
1 credit


In Pre-AP Biology, students engage in real-world data analysis and problem solving that sparks critical thinking about our living world. As students engage in grade-level content, they utilize the kind of scientific reasoning skills needed to analyze the natural world—and to succeed in future science and social science courses in high school and college.

Grade  10-12
1 weighted credits (1 Science credit)


Students develop a conceptual understanding of biological science, as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards for Science. They will experience concepts such as cellular organization, molecular basis of heredity, biological change, interdependence of organisms, matter, energy and organization in living systems. 

PREREQUISITE: Integrated Science I
Grade  10-12
1 credit


AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes, energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam.

Grade  10-12
2 weighted credits (1 Science credit, 1 elective credit)


An introductory chemistry course to prepare students for college and beyond. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based lab investigations as they explore the four Big Ideas: scale, proportion, and quantity; structure and properties of substances; transformations; and energy. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam. 

PREREQUISITES: AP Environmental Science and/or AP Biology
*Course is offered at TNHS,
Grade 10-12
1 weighted credit


An algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, in-class activity, and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, conservation, and waves. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam. 

PREREQUISITES: Passing grade in Algebra I and Geometry
*Course is offered at TNHS
Grade 10-12
1 weighted credit


This course is designed to challenge students interested in all aspects of genetics. It involves genetic inheritance, probabilities, mutations, and mathematics analysis of genetic tendencies. Other topics will include cellular reproduction (mitosis/meiosis), DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, pedigrees, karyotypes, and ethical concepts in genetics. Fairly strong math skills are helpful in analyzing genetic statistics. 

PREREQUISITE: Biology is strongly recommended
Grade  10-12
1 credit