NCHS English Pathway


The course is designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informative, persuasive, and practical purposes. The course also requires students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas.

*Course required for graduation
Grade 9
1 credit


This course is designed for students who wish to develop the critical thinking, reading and writing skills required for success in college. The four areas of emphasis in this course are developing critical thinking and reading skills through an intensive reading program of novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and non-fiction; building competency in grammar; improving vocabulary knowledge; developing analytical, narrative, expository and imaginative writing skills.  A summer reading assignment may be assigned after registration. 

*This course may be taken in place of English I as a graduation requirement
Grade  9
1 credit


The course is designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informative, persuasive, and practical purposes. The course also requires students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. 

*Course required for graduation
Grade 10
1 credit


English II Pre AP builds on the reading, writing, listening, and thinking skills fostered in English I Pre AP through a study of literary genres that come predominantly from American literature, through a study of grammar and through class discussions, projects, presentations, independent reading, research and writing. 

PREREQUISITE: English I or Pre-AP English I
*This course may be taken in place of English II as a graduation requirement
Grade 10
1 credit


The course is designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informative, persuasive, and practical purposes. The course also requires students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. Course adheres to Kentucky Academic Standards requirements. 

Grade 11
1 credit


The course is designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informative, persuasive, and practical purposes. The course also requires students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. The course adheres to Kentucky Academic Standards.

Grade 12
1 credit

ENGLISH 101/102

English 101: Focuses on academic writing. Provides instruction in drafting and revising essays that express ideas in Standard English, including reading critically, thinking logically, responding to texts, addressing specific audiences, researching and documenting sources. Includes review of grammar, mechanics and usage. 

English 102: Emphasizes argumentative writing. Provides further instruction in drafting and systematically revising essays that express ideas in Standard English. Includes continued instruction and practice in reading critically, thinking logically, responding to texts, addressing specific audiences, and researching and documenting credible academic sources. 

PREREQUISITE: GPA 3.0 or higher
*This course may be taken in place of English III & IV as a graduation requirement
Grade 11-12
1 weighted credit for 101
1 weighted credit for 102


Intro to Literature introduces students to an analytical rather than historical approach to literature in order to deepen students’ insight into the nature and purpose of literature. (Earns Humanities credit).

PREREQUISITE: GPA 3.0 or higher
*This course may be taken in place of English IV as a graduation requirement
Grade 12
1 weighted credit


AP English Language and Composition is an introductory college-level composition course. Students cultivate their understanding of writing and rhetorical arguments through reading, analyzing, and writing texts as they explore topics like rhetorical situation, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style.  

Yearlong course
*This course may be taken in place of English II or III as a graduation requirement
Grade 11-12
2 weighted credits (1 English credit, 1 elective credit)



Yearbook I is a two-semester application only course focused on writing for publication. It is for students in their first year in the NC Journalism program. The objectives of this course include: to familiarize students with the different modes of journalistic writing; to enable students to write effectively in different journalistic modes; to empower students to look critically at their own writing, in both style and content; to enable students to evaluate their writing and the writing of others; to train students to think critically and work under deadlines; to assist in the successful publication of a variety of for-profit and not-for-profit publications; to gain professional experiences in real-world settings through interviews, sales, and public relations; to use the written word to positively affect the culture of the school and community. 

Application can be found by clicking here

Yearlong course
Grade 11-12
2 credits

Creative Writing

Content for this course may vary but should provide students an opportunity to analyze and create works such as short stories, one-act plays, poetry, and/or personal expressive pieces.

*This course may be taken in place of English II or III as a graduation requirement
Grade 11-12
(Elective Credit_